By: Gen. Jim - 1/29/25

According to Wikipedia “Woke” is an adj. that describes a person who is aware of social & racial issues. It’s also used to describe left-wing political movements that focus on “identity” policies.

Actually, the term “woke” originated in African American vernacular English in the 1930s.

The term was used in Lead Belly’s protest song “Scottsboro Bays” to encourage Black Americans to be AWARE of racial violence.

Beginning in the 2010s, it came to be used to refer to a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial issues, sexual issues (e.g. LGBTQ+ abominations) et al. It became a WEAPON used against the straight community, the Christians, the conservatives (politically), against the anti-abortion movement etc.

Anyone who disagrees with the far left-democratic party (aka demon-cratic party) is considered to be an ENEMY of the United States! ... the world in general. These “Woke warriors” have been determined to turn America into a loathsome cesspool of “wokeness” whereby anything goes... except “God & country.” A synonym is “cancel culture.” To counter this social sickness Prez Trump has declared to END this WOKENESS, fight against these “Character Assassins.” Time to pass around the pink wipes – diaper changing time!! We expect ALL HELL to break out, for the “Left” is going to have their X-Lax moment!

The WOKE PIMPLE is about to be popped... stinking pustule will flow like a river as the woke-ites become more enraged, even MURDEROUS! Get ready for woke pyromaniacs, setting the U.S. on fire (fig.). These crybabies will stop at nothing to protect & keep their social/political virus alive. As I write they are having a paroxysm with Trump’s executive orders – they're acting like he has started WW3 (as the “Left” claim).

We’ve all witnessed the Biden/Harris Machiavellian regime over the past 4 miserable years. These two Woke Warriors have believed themselves to be “America’s Saviors.” HA! They have been “Americas Destroyers.” Their endless machinations of madness have brought the U.S. on the brink of no return. The SWAMP, the LGBTQ SWAMP has stunk up the whole land. My God, what a STINK!

Wokeism is a popularization of critical theory – which has found its way into practically every aspect of our political, economic, military, & cultural arenas. The Church is no exception. It too has gone WOKE (with exceptions).

Actually, the 60s revolution was a “WOKE REVOLUTION.” It was not called that, but all the seeds of the destruction-of-our-society were sown (see our articles on communism & our personal testimonies as we were two that were there).

Names like Michel Foucault, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno et al. were revolutionaries. They came from the “Critical Theory”/ “Political Correctness” school (Germany). I did several DVDs on all this, showing how RNR music played a large part in spreading the CT/PC/woke seeds of destruction. Radicals like H. Marcuse came to the U.S., got teaching positions in colleges/universities to teach the students to “Rebel like Hell.” The radicalization of colleges & universities was and still is a victory for the “Left.”

Both René Descartes & Immanuel Kant (both of the Copernican revolution) influenced students.

Being part of and in the 60s revolution (after being honorably discharged from the U.S. Army, the famous “Do your own thing” was introduced into the revolution. Descartes (soldier in the Bavarian army) coined “cogito ergo sum,” i.e. “I think, therefore I am.”

Both Descartes & Kant were of the Critical Theory camp.

It has been said (rightly so) that the irony is that those advocating a relativization of truth do indeed think their own theory is TRUE!

In truth, all this woke/PC/CT BS is the work of deconstructionists – tearing down the established order of America (old order, constitutional republic) & establishing a combo “Homo Marxian” order, aka “New World Order.” To achieve Marx’s dream/goal (which is a nightmare), Marx required two things: 1 – the total annihilation of all opposition, the overthrowing of all existing governments, all economies & all societies. “Then” Marx wrote, “I shall stride through the wreckage a creator!”; 2 – Marx needed a new kind of human being. He visualized a brainwashed/regimented breed of Pavlovian men/women/boys/girls whose minds could be triggered into immediate action by signals from their masters. He demanded a race of human beings who would no longer depend upon free will, ethics, moral or conscience for guidance.

This whole PC/woke CRAP is nothing but DEMONS working in & through the STUPID! (see our articles on Communism, esp. the 45 goals to destroy America).

Look at these fools calling themselves woke-ites. They have an insatiable appetite to bring all things under their nasty & perverted control. They wet their pink pampers thinking of destroying godly ethics & morals. HELL to them is having godliness, especially the Biblical kind. If we do not agree with them, we are targeted and attacked. They are tickled PINK at the thought of mastering over us. HA! Get ready, you are about to have a Pink “Woke Stroke!!!

The New World Dict. defines “stroke” as, 1 – a striking of one thing against another, blow or impact; 2 – a sudden action resulting in a powerful or destructive effect; 3 – a single effort to do, produce, or accomplish by such an effort; 4 – any sudden attack of disease or illness, esp. paralysis or cerebral accident.

Any way you want to interpret it, the “woke movement” is having a STROKE, a “WOKE STROKE,” a total MELT DOWN.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary’s definition, “woke” means “aware of and actively attentive to important facts & issues (e.g. racial/sexual/social justice et al.).” Well, now, we all know that the biased/bigoted/hateful left has used wokeism as a weapon-of-choice! Berate your opponents! Criticizing those who do not belong to your CULT of wokeness is what we see & hear from their camp of disgruntled folks. Ad nauseam.

Thank You God!

With Donald Trump now in the Oval Office, the Woke Camp is being deconstructed – PTL. We don’t know how far he will go to RID America of this draconian, disgusting, demonization plague. There are once enemies of Trump now capitulating. The name calling – Hitler!, racist, misogynist – has not stopped Trump from draining the Swamp. More power to him & Vance. We’re all SICK of the biased/bigoted media which spews lies & disinformation on a daily basis. We’ve grown weary of all this rainbow flag for the fag stuff. We’re sick & tired of the PC/woke BS pushed off on us as holy & good – HA! Good for nothing. Flush the toilet please. The plethora of LGBTQ/BLM/Antifa etc. has made America a cesspool, a social/national ghetto.

Then we have the whole open border fiasco to deal with – another reason for the crybabies to cry BIG tears and throw a BIG tantrum. The latest WOKE embarrassment came from Billionaire Selena Gomez, crying over the illegal children. If you haven't seen her video where she is beside herself (self-filmed) crying – it is disgusting. She is oh so sorry for the children. But not a tear for the thousands LOST in America, sold no doubt into slavery/sex rings etc. Not a tear for the thousands that have been raped, beaten, separated from parents by cartels/coyotes. Since she got such a BIG BLOWBACK for her pity performance (even by the left), she took this short down. She wished she could do something (Orange Man Bad! caused her tearful sorrow!). She could, she could stop crying & give some of her $$ to help find, the 300,000 children lost under the Biden/Harris regime. She could cry out against the murderous abortion industry that separates the unborn (human) from the mother...forever! Not one tiny tear from Selena.

We’re all sick of the woke’s verbiage. We’re sick of these woke-ites demonizing Trump & his followers. We’re all sick of these LIARS & sanctuary cities who harbor the worst of the worst – at our expense.

We are not heartless. We welcome immigrants but let them enter the U.S. legally. We detest the protection of criminals – rapists, murderers, thieves, terrorists! We’re sick of those babbling “ladies” on the “View” (“Spew”) who do nothing but run-down Trump & MAGA. Get a life, ladies. We’re sick of these leftist politicians & those of the right, e.g. RINOS. We’re sick of your clandestine convolutions, your twisting of facts to fit your sick and anti-American agendas. We’re sick of your sardonic attitudes towards what is right & just. And, I might add at closing, we’re GLAD that Pinocchio Joe & cackling comrade Kamala are GONE. We can now breath freely again. They are irrelevant! Bye, bye to their monomaniacal regime – to destroy America. Thank God their inimical rule is over.

Q. Can a nation sleep with dogs & not have fleas? Can a nation lie with swine and not get dirty? What is currently happening in our nation – all across the nation is the RESTORATION & REESTABLISHING of national sovereignty. AMEN!